Changes in this release: Date/version: 99-11-01: - A functional change has been done in the DOS path handling while select a new document after a link. Date/version: 99-10-01: - The FRAME attribute (in the table elemnet) has been added (just for fun). - A (new) bug in the handling of the CLS attribute has been fixed. - The handling of indentation in tables has been changed. - The TOC_ENTRY_ON_NEW_SCREE Noption has ben changed so it also jumps if an H1 element is used (other than on the first page). - A bug has been fixed for untitled documents. - The =-key has beeen added. This comand will save the current screen to the log. - The help message have been changed; a new help scren has ben added. Date/version: 99-08-18: - Some fixes have been done to allow the program to survive badly formatted HTML. - A fix has been done to display tables in center-mode. - A fix has been done to solve single element, large tables with (far away) links. - The command line parameter parsing has been changed to allow quoted parameters to allow quoted filenames with embadded spaces. Both single and double quotes can be used. - A fix has been done to give a file-spec priority over an available INDEX.HTM. - The function of the Tab and Shift-Tab keys have been changed and are no longer equivalent to Cursor down and Cursor Up respectiviliy. Old situation: - Cursor Up and Shift-Tab: jump to previous link; if a page does not hold a link the cursor is positioned on line 23 of the screen. - Cursor Down and Tab: jump to next link; if a page does not hold a link the cursor is positioned on line 23 of the screen. New situation (optino TAB_TO_ANCHOR is set to ON): - UP: jukmp to previous link; if a page does not hold a link the cursor is positioned on line 23 of the screen. - Down: jump to next link; if a page does not hold a link the cursor is positioned on line 23 of the screen. - Shift-Tab: jump to vrevious anchor (possibly skipping pages). - Tab: jump to next anchor (possibly skipping pages). Date/version: 99-08-01: - Sometimes a new line started with an empty line. This problem has been fixed. - The indentation has been changd again! An ordered list will now jump out INDENT diveded by 2 spaces (se .INI file). - In the end a decision on color usage has been implemented. HTML colors will not be used. Instead the user can set colors to HTML tags the user wants. - The F6 functionkey has been added allowing to return to start or top level: the first document displayed. - Minor changes have ben made to the automatic bookmark saving. Date/version: 99-07-17: - The L_H_I batch-file to generate the a new ini-file has been updated. - The L_H_ID** files have been reviewed to make them more consistent. - A bug is entity handling in HTML element-attribute value has been fixed. - The search-text facility has been update; if more than one match exist on a displayed page the screen is now refreshed when the first hit is displayed. - The indentation for ordered lists have been adjusted. The number will now indent one level less than the text it belongs to. Date/version: 99-07-08: - The text-search and screen navigation have been changed. Now the active link will be reset regularly. The active link will always be the nearest link - if any - before the cursor position. - The adobe-characters conversion has been enhanced. Still some symbols could be missing ! Date/version: 99-06-29: - Support for long filenames added. - Entity interpretation problem changed to allow case sensitive symbols. - The memory shortage detection has been changed. Date/version 99-05-31: - SOme bugs have been fixed (again). - Support for (basic) XML viewing is added. If you like the program to do basic XML viewing add L_H_XML.INI to your INI-file. "XML procesing" as such is NOT supported. Date/version 99-05-08: - A dogged problem in nested tables with references to other texts has been fixed. - Some smaal bugs have been fixed. - A bookmark facility has been added to allow you to save and restore (when restarting) the last read page of a document. - The layout of the help screen (messages S01/S20) has been updated. Message C13 was not handled properly by the program. Date/version 99-04-02: - The LANGuage attribute handling has been added: if used the LANG attribute will change the user interface language (if available). For this the language code has been added to the message interface. - Table handling has been changed - The HTML elements ABBR and ACRONYM have been added to the regular .INI-files. - A bug in linking to antother page#anchore has been fixed. - Several minor bugs have ben fixed Date/version 99-02-12: - Errors in (nested) table handling have been fixed - Errors in anchore possition calculation have been fixed - The program has been changed so it tries to read a .INI file in the local directory i.e. the directory where the prohgram has been started. This allows you to store local run-options. - The character definition file L_H_ICI2 has been added. This file holds the ISO-8859 extended B characters. The braille-codes to be used have not been filled in yet. - The "generate table of contents" option has been added. - Numbered entries in the index/directory overview. - Messaged added/changed S30/S49 Added: X20, X21, X30 Date/version 98-12-12: - The program will check for an index file being present. If so it will be displayed. - Automatic table calculation has been adjusted. - When performing a search the lines mentioned (hits) have been adjusted so it presents the screen line mathcing the criteria. Date/version 98-11-21 (with thanks to Jacob Poon for his comments): - Multiple user-interface language sets can be shared in one run. - The entiy paragraphs in the INI-file have been extended with a numeric entry in the entity details. - Handling of hexadecimal symbol references in HTML documents has been added. - A text search mechanism in files in the current directory has been added; all matching files will be displayed on a document selection page. - Bugs in the line-break algoritm have been fixed. - The document selection temporary file in the TEMP directory is deleted after using it. Up to now it stayed behind. With the /I option you can safe it in the current directory for future use. - It is possible now to use a file specification using wildcard characters. In both cases a selection panel will be generated from wich files can be selected. - Several messages have been touched (see .INI file): New: CL9 CL0 F01 F10 F11 F12 F20 R01/R20 S47 S48 Renamed: P17->F30 P18->F32 P19->F34 Changed: CL7 CL8 C11 C12 C13 S04 S05 S06 Deleted: C02 Date/version 98-10-24: - Memory management has been adjusted to allow more text to be handled at the time. - Again several smaller bugs has been fixed. Date/version 98-10-03: - The table handling routines have been completely reqriten. Now the program supports nested tables. - If the program is called without a parameter a local-file-list is displayed. You can select files on this page. - Several slmall bugs and layout things have been changed - The F4 command made the machine hang under certain conditions. - You are no longer able to leave the program with LEFT only; use ESC - In the program-messages the parameters were all named %S in the text. Because of this you would not be able to change the order of the parameters in the text. Now the parmaters (maximum of 3) are named %S1, %S2, and %S3. - All messges with parameters (%S) are changed: the parameter names are extendd (see the describtion with each message). - Message C02 has been dropped. Messages added: P17, P18 Messages changed: C10, C11, C12, C13 Date/version 98-07-06: - Text changes or new message: Added messages: CL1/CLn, CR7 - Also the command line options can be translated now. This will make the program fully language incompatible. - A bug in linking to an anchor in another file has been fixed. - In bug in tables with COLSPAN attributes has been fixed. Date/version 98-06-29: - Support for the HR element has been added. - A bug in anchors in a table (layout damaged) was fixed. - Text changes or new message: Changed: S96 Date/version 98-06-27: - Text changes or new message: Moved: S47:S50 S48:S51 Changed: S46 S47 C14 - Changes in element/attribute paragraphs. Som new have been added. - Changes in table border and rules (new) handling. This includes new and chnaged setup variables to controle rules handling. - A bug has been fixed that occurred while moving forward along anchors with both HREF and NAME attributes. Date/version 98-06-24: - Several bugs have been fixed. - Table support is increased. - Some setup parametes have been changed or added (see the INI-file). - Some messages have been changed. - New messages have been added. - Direct cursor navigatiojn has been added. This feature includes a facility to grab text from the screen.